What We Offer

We divide the year into three sessions: Fall, Winter and Summer. Everyone chooses which session or sessions they will memorize in, which memory book they will use, how many verses per week they will memorize, and who their Hearer or Supervisor will be. The Hearer must be willing to listen to the recitations on a regular basis.

We will periodically ask the Hearer to report on the quality of the recitations.

At the end of the session, if the memorizer has faithfully completed the number of verses per week to which they committed, they will be issued a certificate of completion. If they satisfactorily complete their entire memory book they will be issued an on-line gift certificate to Christian Book Distributors (www.ChristianBook.com).

If funds and staffing permit we may also issue an invitation to attend a family camp in the summer.

We don't sell our memory books apart from our program.

We don't sell our memory books apart from our program...

So David prevailed over the Philistine... I Sam 17:50
(Graphics provided by Animation Factory)


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